Saturday, September 11, 2010

Zumba worries

Lately, I have been asked many questions about the skill level needed to take Zumba.  People have asked me all sorts of questions about necessary levels of fitness or coordination needed in order to take Zumba.  My answer is always the same - you just need to have enough strength and courage to be able to  walk through the door to your first class.  I cannot emphasize enough the fact that I never exercised before I took my first Zumba class.  I was so out of shape and averse to exercise that I would drive to the 7-11 in my neighborhood which was only 1 block away! In all of my Zumba classes, there are people of all ages, sizes and fitness levels.  Zumba is designed to be accessible to all fitness levels.  All you need to do is move to the music.  You don't need to follow the teacher exactly or at all.  I would say I have a pretty close to 100 percent success rate of going left when the teacher is going right. In one recent class, I was attempting to bend over backward in a bellydancing move and am pretty sure I saw a student practicing her golf swing.  I've seen students march in place or sway their arms to the music.  I try to keep moving although it is hard sometimes. When I am able to lose myself in the music and just dance, it is truly a joyful experience. 

At times, I cannot follow along no matter how hard I try.  The Samba music starts playing and my teacher Elena's hips start moving and I think to myself, "Oh, hell no. I'm never going to be able to do that!"   Sometimes I just stop and look at her in wonder and think, "Am I at a dance concert at the Kennedy Center or Zumba class?"  So I understand everybody's anxiety about going to Zumba and possibly not being able to follow along.  I take Zumba nearly every day and can't follow along some of the time!  For everyone that is very anxious about taking Zumba, I understand - really I do.  Just today, Elena reassured me that she has been dancing Zumba for a much longer time than me (years), and not to get too worried about not being able to do the Samba!


  1. that's totally what my worry was - how did you know? it's like you were talking to me! i can't keep up in step aerobics so i was very hesitant to try Zumba - I'm the world's WORST dancer! but i've not completely crossed it off my list - thanks to your inspiration, i will be trying it much sooner than later!

    xx dani

  2. Way to go, Dani!!! I am so proud of you!! I've taken classes where I am tripping over my own feet, or bumping into people because the class is going one way and I am going the other! Zumba is wonderful because there is no 'right' or 'wrong,' just movement! XO Jen

  3. We have had Zumba at work once/week for the past two months. In October we're increasing to twice a week : ) It's so much fun --- I am new to Zumba. It helps to have a healthy dose of devil-may-care attitude with a roomful of co-workers. I get in the front row and shake my booty and laugh, especially when my feet get tangled up and the teacher laughs with me. I don't care! I just keep moving. The music is so fun and joyful. It's a welcome and carefree break from work --that's what it's all about. Believe me, we're all just doing what we can.

    I am struggling with the footware, however. I don't have the right shoes, and my shoes stick, so I usually go barefoot, but then my feet sweat and stick to the floor -- then I put on socks. Then my socks get sweaty and stick to the floor. I tried gluing felt on the bottom of my go -- it was like being on ice skates. The whole footware thing is annoying and I don't have a solution. Any suggestions?

  4. I have the same issues of my shoes sticking and was thinking of putting masking tape on the soles of my shoes.

    I love how you say, "find an exercise you like and just have fun.' Good instructors who encourage you are key too. I know you are fotunate enough to have found them.

  5. I buy my sneakers at a running store. They have a machine that measures where you put pressure when you stand and also a treadmill where they evaluate your stride. Of course, they can just watch you walk around the store for this too! At first, I was little nervous going there since I am not a runner, but the staff was super nice and put me at ease. They told me a running store is designed exactly for these types of issues. They can tell you about the different types of shoes available. I wear New Balance. Also, I thought they were nuts when they recommended these super expensive socks but they gave me a pair to try out. They made all the difference in the world. Darn it! They hold and support your feet. The brand is Balega. I've since found them at Target for less. :)
